MAM Cooler Teether Pink, Blue, Green
You looking to find the "MAM Cooler Teether Pink, Blue, Green" Good news! You can purchase MAM Cooler Teether Pink, Blue, Green with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:

Product Description
Cool relief for the molars thanks to the unique shape of the water-filled part.Also the varied surface gives babies a choice of cooling solutions.The teether is inwardly curved so that it is especially easy for babies to pick up and hold.Different surface structures and materials ease teething and make an exciting teether.BPA free.For optimum cooling effect, the teether can be put in the refrigerator, for one hour.DO NOT PUT IN THE FREEZER.BPA free and safe for all babies.MAM products are recommended by dentists and orthodontists and have been developed together with healthcare professionals.Available in a choice of 3 colours - Blue, Pink or GreenMost of the consumer Reviews tell that the "MAM Cooler Teether Pink, Blue, Green" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from MAM Cooler Teether Pink, Blue, Green ...