Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Gummee Glove Teething Mitten Teether Teething Ring BLUE

Gummee Glove Teething Mitten Teether Teething Ring BLUE

You looking to find the "Gummee Glove Teething Mitten Teether Teething Ring BLUE" Good news! You can purchase Gummee Glove Teething Mitten Teether Teething Ring BLUE with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Gummee Glove Teething Mitten Teether Teething Ring BLUE On Sale

Price: $16.99
Purchase Gummee Glove Teething Mitten Teether Teething Ring BLUE low price

Product Feature

  • Gummee Glove Teething Mitten: Detachable water filled teething ring for easy sterilising & refrigerating. (Cold water sterilise with sterilising solution ONLY)
  • Travel bag which doubles up as a laundry bag for easy machine washing.
  • Various biteable protrusions with easily accessible positioning for baby.
  • Adjustable velcro closure to fit most babies.

Product Description

Designed & recommended for babies from the age of 3 to 6 months, or until baby can adequately grasp a teething toy.The Gummee Glove is an award winning product, having won Best Product on Mumsbusinessclub.com for the month of June 2012 & Mumpreneur 2012 Best product. As seen in Vogue magazine & quoted as being: 'Vital to all new mums!'.It is the first teething mitten on the market, designed solely for babies to wear. Babies can not adequately grasp a teething ring or toy until around the age of 5 months plus, how ever, their teething symptoms can begin a long time prior to this. Gummee Glove secures safely to babies hand & the water filled teething ring can be detached for easy sterilising & refrigeration. The water teether is held in place by a very strong, inbuilt popper. This also negates the need to constantly hold toys to baby's mouth, & puts an end to toys being dropped on the floor when out & about. Ideal for the car, push chair - or anywhere when mum/dad just needs a few extra minutes in the day!BPA, Latex & PHFALATE FREENon-returnable due to hygiene reasons. We are covered under distance selling regulations for this

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Buy Gummee Glove Teething Mitten Teether Teething Ring BLUE Cheap

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